Feeling kind of outside of my body and mind.

Hey. My name is Alex. I am 19. First post here and i will try to explain what i am feeling and i hope i can get some help or some guidance on where to look for help.

I will try to explain without get boring or tiring.

So new year started good. I made new friends, i got in a pretty good relationship with my current gf and i have Great relationship with my parents, friends and everyone close to me. I feel cared and loved while i at the same time devote time for others, care for them and love them of course. So yeah January - start of may was an amazing time cause i didnt have lots of things to care about. I had lots of time to spend doing things i love etc. On mid of may i had to start my mandatory military training (Here in Greece every man has to do his service for 1year~ after he turns 18)(You can do it later if you want to study first on a uni but it seemed like a good choice so i wont have to do it later and have to stop working, studying and losing my progress.) So i joined the military. The training is 1 month living in a base and the rest is in another base that likely is pretty good for me. First month in the military was under tight security and i had to be perfect looking, be as discipline as possible while you have to do a military salute for every ranked military person while most of them make you feel like trash. I am all cool with that cause i know its military where I am in.

Here it all starts. One day. Second week maybe while i am away in the base, i start feeling out of myself. Let me explain. I have full control of my movement, full control of my mind. I know where i am and everything but i just feel like i am seeing like third person. Kind outside of my body while in full control. To explain more with examples. I am seeing things like someone who is with not much sleep after a long day and he is tired and kinda off. Not in feeling but in their minds. But the thing is i am not tired.

Till that day that i felt like that. Every single day with no exception i feel like that. Its kinda freaking me out sometimes cause yeah i feel good i am here, mg mind's here, my body is here but i feel myself kinda out and kinda behind myself. Every single day i feel like i am not here 100% and i it shocks me sometimes. There where some days. When i wasn't in any base. Just outside hanging out with friends or my gf that i felt literally completely out. I was walking in a crowded street and i felt overwhelmed and literally close to sad for no reason. Numb for all feelings.

I am not smoking, rarely drinking and not doing any drugs. Not taking any type of medicine so i dont think its something i took, ate or drunk the reason. I am having a good life and besides military thats something i do without my wanting but its not that bad everything else is going right and i am feeling happy with my people, my life, my free time and my everyday life. I have plans and goals and i am more than okay.

But why? Why i am feeling outside of myself? Body here, mind here but feeling kind of outside and not full in the moment.

I would love to hear your opinion on this. If you felt like this or you know something about all this i am here to hear you out and try to understand. If you have a tip or something to help me i would really appreciate it.

Thank you in advance.