Relationship advice from reddit is awful.
I hopped on reddit because of tiktok. I seen people venting on here and seemed like a safe spot. I mean no one I know has a reddit and I can vent about problems to see if maybe I need a different perspective. Or just to vent in a secret place. It's great to get things off my chest. I have friends that I vent to but they have a problem with just taking my side in my problems. So here no one knows me so people can be honest.
I do think its hilarious how 99% of times the solution is just to dump the other person according to reddit advice. Its never compromise or talk its always dump someone as soon as theres even the hint of a problem. My thing is how does anyone stay in a relationship that way?
I hate to tell you guys but all of us have traits that can be red flags in small doses. The solution isn't alwayd to just shut down and be alone.