Just picked up a girl from the bus
I had just finished up a coffee date which went well as we were making out in the cafe before I left and if I didn't have another date to go to, I would have invited her over to my place, but I scheduled myself too thin so I had to run lol.
Anyway, I decided to take the bus to go to the next spot and while I'm on the bus, I noticed this cute girl checking me out a few feet away. We locked eyes for a few seconds so I could tell she was into me. I wondered what my best course of action could be since the bus was pretty crowded.
Eventually, I came up with the idea to write "give me your Instagram" on an IG story draft and show it to her the next time we locked eyes. She thought about it for a second and then nodded, extending her hand out for my phone. I give it to her and she adds herself before handing my phone back.
In case you're wondering why I didn't just talk to her, I was standing and she was seated but since the bus was crowded, there were people standing right in front of her so getting close to her wasn't easy and I also just felt like the conversation wouldn't have flowed as well as it did via text with the pressure of everyone around listening to us.
Anyway, she follows me back and I start chatting her up via the DMs in real time as we are just a few feet away from each other on this bus. I take a selfie and write "Hey I'm my name", sending it as a view once photo. I don't know why I took the selfie since she obviously sees me in person, but I just thought it would be more fun than just writing hey I'm name.
We start chatting via text and it's flowing super well. She admits she found me super attractive to which I responded, what are you talking about, take a look in the mirror. I was using the same lines and routines I use in OLD like my parents in law line, but with real-time reactions to them which was pretty cool.
It was the first time I ever had an experience like this where we had just met, we're within a few feet of each other, but we were exclusively flirting via text (and of course with some smiles and eye contact too). It was pretty surreal.
Anyway, if I didn't have another date to go to, I would have tried to turn it into an insta-date and invited her to join me for a drink, but I had to get off the bus soon so I decided to try my luck and said "I gotta get off the bus soon, but what if I kissed you as I passed by you just so we could see the reactions of everyone else on the bus?"
Maybe I could have phrased it better because she said yes, but on the cheek so as I walked by her to get off the bus, I gave her a kiss on the cheek. Maybe she also just didn't want that attention on her, but damn that would have been the cherry on top of this interaction had we actually kissed haha.
Anyway, I get off the bus and she says it was awesome meeting you to which I reply yes let's plan something soon, yeah? And she replies yes for sure and now we have a date planned later this week.
Super crazy experience. I've always wondered how to pick up girls I see on the bus or train and I may have accidentally figured out how (when they're crowded at least. When they're not, it might be better to approach normally). I think the fact that it was a warm approach was also key. Without that initial interest, it might not have gone down that well.
Anyway, wanted to share this experience with y'all in case you find yourselves in a similar situation at any point. If you lock eyes with a girl on a crowded bus or train, try getting her IG or number and game her via text as you're standing relatively close to her. Makes for a memorable experience.
Edit: those curious to see the IG convo, here it is: https://imgur.com/a/DumELOS. It's in Spanish, but I'm sure y'all can figure out how to translate it.