Do people not have a long attention span anymore or is there more to this?
With the recent Lego video I’ve been seeing people complaining about the video length or even the insanity in itself of spending around 2 hours covering the games.
Now my hyper ADHD ironically has me being a sucker for Scott content of any length regardless of stash or main channel content,but I get the feeling we’re seeing a massive split becoming more apparent as of now
Previous videos across main channel like Borderline Forever,Wiiware Chronicles and both Parts 1&2 of the Wii U among many others (despite being bundled up collections in two of my examples here) reach around the length of Lego Games or even surpass it in the case of Wii U part 2,so I’m kinda being lead to believe it’s a case of the topic itself combined with the length leaving a bad taste in somes mouth,while others ARE a lego guy but prefer content that tends to be around the normal episode length
Maybe I’m just apart of a vocal minority for enjoying longform content on both here & Stash (or just longform content in general) though I’m not 100% sure
So is it that people don’t have long attention spans,aren’t exactly lego guys or something other than most complaints I’ve seen around here