Complaining neighbor about Samoyed barking
We have a 3 year old sammy boy who does not like it when I leave in the morning. He barks between 1-3 minutes at first and then sleeps most of the day when we’re at work. If he hears people/dogs in the hallway, he might bark a little, but not too much (we have a camera so we can check in on him). He also barks if he sees people or dogs pass by outside the window. We live in apartment and one of our neighbor has complained about his barking. I have tried distracting him with food and high value treats before leaving, but once he’s done with it and he realizes I have left, he starts barking. We have also noticed that interacting with him via the camera just makes it worse. He is an emotional support dog, so we’re not facing eviction. But I don’t want him to be this sad in the morning plus I don’t want to get any more complaints from neighbors. Any tips on how to help him feeling more calm in the morning? Longer walks in the morning doesn’t seem to do the trick either. He is quiet in the evening when we’re home and he doesn’t bark during the night. He barks maybe 15 minutes in total throughout the whole day. Would you say that is excessive barking or just normal sammy barking?