Do you think Sabrina's career will face the same fate as Ariana’s when she enters her 30s and another pop girl takes her spot?

Sabrina has gotten away with everything that people tried to cancel Ariana for, such as degrading other women in her songs, being involved in many situations where she was the other woman in relationships, wearing a fake tan only when marketed as part of a sexualized brand, and, last but certainly not least, pushing a Lolita image. Everything I’ve listed, Ariana has been accused of or ridiculed for. The difference is that people only started bringing these things up after the whole SpongeBob scandal happened. I wonder if, in another 5 years, Sabrina will be involved in an even bigger scandal, and people will finally admit that she’s always been problematic. Maybe another pop girl will rise just like how Sabrina did during the whole Lilly Jay, Ethan, and AG homewrecking scandal, which is why people had an easier time holding her accountable—because there was a new pop girl on the horizon. I can see the same thing happening with Sabrina. The only thing is that I can’t see Sabrina getting nominated for an Oscar. She is a terrible actor