Measuring criterion benchmark overhead

I made a little repo to measure the overhead in criterion benchmarks where a large input needs to be setup to be passed to the function under test, using different patterns for (attempting to) seperate the setup/teardown work from the actual function. Thought I'd share it here, see if it prompts any discussion.

The genesis of this is that I ran into a situation at work where I was benchmarking a function under different inputs. One case was a happy path, where we could essentially ignore the input and return early. The only work done on that branch was: match on an enum, then copy a bool & a usize to return (wrapped in a variant of a different enum). This should have taken on the order of nanos, but criterion was measuring 15-20ms.

I came to understand that this was at least in part because the compiler could see that the big input I passed by reference into my function did not need to live longer than the scope of the function, so it was being dropped inside the timing loop. Returning the input from the closure being timed removed most, but not all, of the overhead.

I did the experiment linked above to better understand which patterns for separating setup from the actual function being benchmarked would include the least overhead in the measurement. I still don't fully understand where all the overhead is coming from in each case, however. None of the patterns removed all the overhead from setup & teardown of the large input vec (using black_box came closest). Would welcome any insight!