RC update discussion— Can we just get rid of pvp ffs?
Listen if you’re gonna require every player to get 100 extra magic thread, you have to either end abyss pking completely or make the demonic skull only affect xp and not thread chance. This game is gonna be unplayable for a month with how many lame-ass pker assholes are hanging around every single game world trying to get 500 fucking k. I’ve hopped a dozen times and still can’t find a free world to actually get in a rhythm for the skill jagex ostensibly wants everyone training right now. At the very least make it so mains can’t attack irons.
I know a bunch of assholes are gonna be in the comments with iTs sUpPoSeD tO bE dAnGeRoUs, and to those people, I kindly encourage them to get a life. PvP as a form of player versus player combat has been dead for fifteen years and we all know it. It’s time to just get rid of it.