Ideas for Rumbleverse if it comes back


Rush moves:

When you run into somebody, instead of they being instanty knocked back, they will stick to you for about 0.7 seconds before being thrown off

This allows you to rush them into a wall for more damage and a wall splat

Damage reduction: common: 190 -> 140, rare: 210 -> 150, epic: 230 -> 170

Damage when running into a wall with an enemy: common: 120 damage, rare: 140 damage, epic: 150 damage

Chokeslam moves:

Instead of dealing stamina damage once it lands, it now drains stamina while being grabbed

Both moves would now be chargeable

When fully charged, you would be launched higher and deal more damage

Grabbing would be slower, about the same speed as izuna moves

Damage reduction: common: 210 -> 180 (210 charged), rare: 230 -> 200 (230 charged)

Stamina drain: common: 7 per second, rare: 10 per second

Poison mist:

Renamed to Linger mist

Doesn't apply poison

When used, creates a small mist cloud that drains stamina from enemies

When charged, creates a larger cloud that last longer


Steals the most valuable item and adds it to your inventory, drops it on the ground if full

Meditative: Now can regen to full health

Healing now drains 10 stamina per second

Healing with stamina heals 10 health per second, while healing without stamina heals 10 health per second

Rabbit foot + Runner + Nimble:

All are now combined into a single perk: Athletic


Roar moves:

Applies debuffs to enemies

Debuffs: common: Weakened - deal 15% less damage (10 seconds), rare: Dazed - can't regenerate staminaa (3 seconds), epic: Siphon - enemies heal 1% of their max health when damiging you (7 seconds)

Energy drinks:

Small energy drinks restore 35 stamina instantly when consumed

Big energy drinks restore 70 stamina instantly when consumed

Stamina pods:

Regenerate stamina faster the more max stamina you have

Football: Applies dazed for 5 seconds when hitting enemies



Using a vicious attack with a weapon now drops it if it didn't hit any target

New stuff

New moves:


Strike move

Deals 30% of the enemies max stamina as stamina damage

Applies dazed for 3 seconds

Knocks enemies to the ground

Damage/Stamina/Cost: 160 damage/30% max stamina damage/20 stamina cost

Rarity: rare - Headbutt


Strike move

Lunges you forward

Slams the ground and launches enemies upwards for combos

Can be charged Charging makes your attacks deal more damage

Damage/Stamina/Cost: common: 110 (150 charged) damage/15 stamina damage/10 stamina cost rare: 15 (30 charged) x 2 + 130 (170 charged) damage/5 x 2 + 15 stamina damage/15 stamina cost epic 15 (30 charged) x 4 + 140 (190 charged) damage/5 x 4 + 15 stamina damage/20 stamina cost

Rarity: common - Ground quake, rare - Earth quake, epic - Galaxy quake

Lasso throw:

Vicious move

Throws a lasso that pulls enemies towards you and then slams them on the ground

Stationary and ranged move

Long recovery time

Damage/Stamina/Cost: 260 damage/15 stamina damage/20 stamina cost

Rarity: epic - Lasso throw

Hot sauce:

Vicious move

Throws hot sauce in front of you that covers enemies or allies in hot sauce

Decreases or increases damage

Damage/Cost: -20% damage dealt by enemies, + 25% damage dealt by allies/ 60 stamina cost

Rarity: rare - Hot sauce



Adds an extra stat slot

Metal undies:

Take less knock back from moves


Crates drop 1 more item


Eliminating enemies gives 500 temporary health that can't be regenerated and isn't part of your normal health bar

Can't have more than 500

Hard-head: Take less stamina damage


See enemies through walls for 5 seconds after dealing damage to them

Hot hands:

Apply burning to enemies that you dealt damage to for 5 seconds dealing 10 damage per second