[rant] my players suck

I consider myself pretty lenient and considerate for a GM, but my players don't reciprocate it and that sucks like hell.

I've been SO ACCOMMODATING but it's just gotten to much. My friend will actively forget we have a session and messages me: "hey are you going to that [insert random event]?" And I have to awkwardly reply "no... We have our game session tonight". This has happened multiple times.

Like bro, I'm not forcing you to play. If you're expecting me to be the GM, then the least I expect is to SHOW TF UP TO SESSIONS. My friend even suggested changing our sessions to Thursdays, so we all agreed. Turns out, my friend has forgotten to play more times than he has when we played on a different day.

Then this starts to "infect" my other friend, who suddenly asked no interest after being super interested. And here I am GMing a Player Driven game and prepping more than I should just to make my players comfortable... And these mfers are treating the game like it's an inconvenience.

I have at least one other friend who actually treats me with redirect, but he's a GM himself so of course he'd understand. Everyone else has treated me like a PS5 they can just willy nilly turn off.