Points hack

I'm from Canada where the USD is much more expensive then prior, so I'm brainstorming an idea to beat the system.

From my understanding if you are a diamond member you get 4 free drinks per day. This also extends to your spouse.

For relevance that's 56 usd per day and for a spouse an addition 56 usd. 112 usd is 162 canadian dollar. Or on a standard 7 day cruise is 1134 cdn per cruise in drink savings.

I am 59 days from diamond... which if I book a solo room will receive 2 points and a suite would be 3 total.

Then I only need 19 days booked.

My question how can I look up the cheapest suites to run a price comparison?

Also... do points only take effect if you go to the cruise or will still receive if you booked the cruise but did not attend?

Edit*** its not just for drinks lol but that's the thought process behind it. The savings. E.x my kids drinks are free x 4. Internet, if we all are diamond we get 4 days which costs me about 250 to 300 cdn each cruise. The savings would then be weighed in my cabin choice. Maybe more today but the savings will come back a year or two after

Best answer so far is to use not only solo cruise but consider casino offerings