Some of the Mary hate is just micro aggressions

As someone who has watched just about every franchise, I must say the particular disdain for Mary is almost comical. She’s the devil and a racist. The token black woman and one of the few POCs on any of the housewives franchises is the only housewife I’ve seen so casually called a racist.

I get the chance to equate a non white person’s prejudice, shitty comments to a white persons is such an appealing opportunity, but that’s not the reality we live in. White people continue to hold power and privilege over those that are not. Especially in a state that is majority white and whose culture (and this show) is based around a religion that openly and purposely excludes black people and regards them as second class citizens.

Now, classist? Absolutely. Traumatized, questionable/harmful behavior...YEA. But to pretend that a black woman is more vile and racist than well to do white women who likely view people of color as the help, have likely used racial slurs and still associate with people that do, thought kkk costumes and black face were funny at some point in their life…it’s all a VERY interesting take.

And how dare she use and manipulate her personal life for a story line on an overly produced reality show. See the absurdity?

Lastly, the general lack of awareness from viewers of micro aggressions amongst the cast once a poc is introduced across the franchises is alarming. We call these women out for really dumb things sometimes and those moments always seem to fly under the radar.

EDIT: Because the plot has already been lost. The issue is one of the primary critiques of Mary, a black woman, is she’s a racist…to her own lol. Which is laughable at best, concerning that people don’t understand historical context at worst.

Prejudice IS different between race, ethnicity, and class. There’s levels to this! Who said it and who it was said to matter. And rarely, if at all in America, is it equivalent to a white person’s racist actions to a non white person. Therefore, your critiques of such behavior cannot be the same. You can thank European colonizers for that.