How much does the college you went to really matter?

So today I got accepted into UVA which is considered a really good college. The best in my state, and a top university in the US. The problem is though that after I had applied, I was so sure that I wasn't going to get in that I just started focusing my energy on my safety schools and finding things to like about them.

I'm at a point now where I want to go to Temple university or New Jersey City university. Both those are both very subpar unimpressive sounding colleges. I like both of their campus communities and it's really important for me to go to a college in an urban area. I feel like I would be unhappy at UVA but maybe I'd be willing to tolerate that a little if it meant that I could be set for life afterwards with that college on my resume.

So how much does the college you attended really matter in terms of getting job opportunities?