Some interview question
Good Evening,
I hope all is well with whoever is reading this post. I'm a current Senior undergraduate, and I was wondering if anyone could be available for an interview for a project that I am in the works of doing.
As per my project, I am doing a human factors analysis in nebulizers. From this, I was hoping to get your insight on the nebulizers. Or if I can get your insight on these types of question.
- From your standpoint, what are some of the most common issues that you have observed with nebulizers? Any malfunctions or improper use?
- Do patients struggle with knowing when the nebulizer is malfunction or needs maintenance?
- How often have you experienced any medication spilling from the machine?
- And any suggestions for future improvements?
You can respond to this post, or if you can, can we message one one-on-one for this project I do need this for my project as well:
Interviewee Name Occupation Affiliated Institute.
Thank you to who ever is reading this post I appreciate it!
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