Respect Dr. Strange, The Sorcerer Supreme!
I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to /u/Febreze_Fresh for his contributions towards this thread. It would not have been possible without him.
I'd also like to thank everyone who read the draft and gave suggestions. You were as much a part of this as I was. Thank you all!
The quotes of Dr. Strange:
"By the Vishanti!" - Dr. Strange invoking the names of the Vishanti, the mystical trinity whom he holds in the highest regard.
"By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!" - Dr. Strange before he gives a mystical beatdown.
"Now, if only I had a spell that would shut you up." - Dr. Strange to Deadpool, Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
Theme of Dr. Strange
Theme of Dr. Strange - Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Dr. Stephen Strange, Sorcerer Supreme: A Brief History and Introduction
The Early Years
The Nature of Marvel Magic
Items of Power
Spells, Techniques, and Incantations
The Feats
Note: These feats are more pertinent to Classic Strange.
Key: ST - Strange Tales
From the SS to Tibet with the Speed of Thought - ST 111
Strange's enchantment, which keeps him on the Path of Hoggoth, prevents Nightmare, in his own dimension, from directly harming him with his enchantments - ST 116
His astral form phases through the core of the earth unscathed, and with speed that allows him to reach the Ancient One before Baron Mordo. There were only precious seconds to waste in the matter - ST 117
Obtains the Ring of the Ancient One, allowing him to do everything he can in physical form, in astral form. He uses it against Mordo, and eventually turns his own spells on him - ST 117
Traps the ethereal form of an extradimensional being, and later breaks the mental shield of his leader. As was show in the first scan, these beings sought to conquer the world after experimenting on a small village in a test-run of their ability to possess humans. - ST 118
Phases two robbers through a wall - ST 119
Banishes a sentient house that came from another Space-Time continuum with a single spell - ST 120
Strange tricks Mordo into destroying a projection of him, after which Strange seals him with a single beam from the Amulet of Agamotto. It's worth noting that Mordo stated he called upon all the magic force at his command just to destroy the projection (whether in stupidity or not) - ST 121
Hypnotized Nightmare - ST 122
The Amulet of Agamotto shatters Loki's Mystic Cage - ST 123
The Amulet of Agamotto helps return him to the present by illuminating the temporal path - ST 124
Sends Cleopatra back in time - ST 124
Fights Mordo in a world-spanning battle. In their final clash, defeats him with only the Amulet of Agamotto - ST 125
The Amulet of Agamotto empowered Dormammu to strengthen a dimension-wide mystic barrier to bar the Mindless Ones entry to the heart of the Dark Dimension. Dormammu's own power was failing before - ST 127
Breaks the Crimson Bands - ST 128
Dr. Strange alters said Sorcerer's mind, forcing him to give up the Mystic Arts - ST 128
Deftly disarms two thugs who ambushed him despite being badly outnumbered - ST 131
...and does so again - ST 133
Dr. Strange destroys the entire dimension of the Demon of the Mask after deeming it too horrible to continue existing. It is an alternate dimension comparable to Belasco's (and thus later Magik's) Limbo, and other realms as such. The OHotMU entry is included here - ST 136
The Eye of Agamotto can breach the realm of Eternity - ST 137
Split-second timing...and comes out on top! - ST 141
Mind control even while incapacitated - ST 142
...and the Eye of Agamotto can do it too - ST 143
Blocks a spell Dormammu used to seal Eternity within his personal cosmos - ST 146
Strange's shield protects him from the maelstrom that was tearing across the void of Eternity - ST 146
Blocks a barrage of mystic bolts from Umar, Dormammu's sister - ST 152
Take blows from the Mindless Ones, even at diminished strength and shields. Even the Hulk has trouble with these guys - ST 153
Blinds Umar - ST 153
Can survive and even talk despite being crushed under a pure column of force generated by Umar - ST 154
Flies so fast that time appears suspended. Outspeeds Umar's spell and creates a counterspell in time - ST 155
One of Classic Strange's most fantastic battles. After being vanquished by Zom, the Ancient One passes on the last vestiges of his power to Dr. Strange, truly christening him as Earth's Sorcerer Supreme. Dr. Strange proceeds to then put up a decent fight against Zom, an extradimensional entity whose power was so vast and feared that Eternity, the embodiment of all there is, himself collaborated with Dormammu to imprison him, not even destroy him - ST 157
Here are some of the highlights of the battle:
Dispels Zom's Bands of Cytorrak - ST 157
Survives a thunderclap from an enraged Zom - ST 157
Shatters his death blow - ST 157
Shatters a spell (the Rings of Raggadorr) used against him by the Living Tribunal and does it again! - ST 158
Repairs the Cloak of Levitation, and the Tribunal is suitably impressed - ST 158
Incapacitates Mordo and his personal army of dark mystics with a gesture by summoning an ethereal magnetic vortex to emit vibrations beyond the fabric of sound (whatever that means). He then forcibly wrenches Mordo's sprit form from his body and throws him through time to show him what the Tribunal has planned for Earth. Mordo then tries to run; Strange then freezes him in place easily - ST 160
Channels the energy of Nebulos' Staff of Polar Power into a banishment spell that the very earth trembles before, and banishes Baron Mordo, who was amped by the power of all of Earth's mystics, to the far reaches of time and space - ST 162
Dispels the (weakened) talons of cosmic fire generated by the Living Tribunal - ST 163
Note: Here the term "Auto-shields" is used to describe Strange's passive defenses for brevity. While he has passively and automatically defended himself in a variety of ways, this is the one most consistent with how Strange normally passively defends himself, called the Invisible Shield of Everlasting Enchantment. It well accounts for how Strange is able to take serious punishment even without weaving a spell. It is, however, again worth noting that Strange has automatically repelled / nullified assaults against him in more than one way.
Eye of Agamotto also shields Strange against Radiation - ST 166
Nullfies a time warp - ST 166
Key: Doctor Strange Volume 1 - DSV1
Breaks Nightmare's spell in his own Dimension - DSV1 170
Strange's Eye of Agamotto is too powerful for Nightmare to withstand, even in his own realm - DSV1 170
Can control the Cloak of Levitation from a Universe away - DSV1 170
Transports Victoria Bentley from thousands of miles away with a single spell - DSV1 171
Wrenches open a doorway to a realm not even the Ancient One has tread - DSV1 171
Strange's mystic shield protects him against a maelstrom of cosmic winds, which Dormammu states can "topple planets from their orbits", which, given his power (shown prior in his battle with Eternity where he tears apart the fabric of the abstract), isn't just some idle boast. Strange then dispels the vortex - DSV1 173
Creates an anti-matter shield - DSV1 173
Reveals he sped up time to bring Nekron's appointed hour closer - DSV1 174
Destroys a massive mystic force that encrusted his shield - DSV1 176
The Eye of Agamotto can create a path of mystic fire that does not burn and acts as a mystic pathway - DSV1 177
Key: Avengers - AV
Gains mastery over the crystal of conquest (which holds the power of Satannish), and channels that power to pit Ymir and Surtur against one another by forcefully teleporting them (even transporting the Avengers they were fighting) to a location of his choosing where they smote each other. The resultant clash sends them back to their own dimensions - Avengers 061
Key: Marvel Premiere - MP
Stops an oncoming truck with a gesture - MP 3
Matches and overcomes Nightmare within the Dimension of Dreams - MP 3
Summon the Vishanti to aid him - MP 5
Overcomes Kathulous (a living planet in the vein of Ego), on his own surface where he reigns Supreme - MP 8
Can destroy a world from the inside in astral form, and hastily erected shields stand up to planetary destruction - MP 9
Destroys the ego of the Ancient One, banishing Shuma-Gorath - MP 10
Beholds the second beginning of the Universe up close and personal - MP 14
Key: Dr. Strange, Master of the Mystic Arts - DSMMA
Breaks Agamotto's bonds (Agamotto is 1/3 of the Vishanti, mystic entities held with as much regard as the Celestials themselves by even those as powerful as Cube Beings) - DSMMA 1
Defeats a soul-devouring extradimensional creature called the "Soul Eater" by disrupting its entire Central Nervous System - DSMMA 2
Defeats Umar in telepathic combat within the Dark Dimension, her own realm - DSMMA 7
Unites with a dreaming Eternity, after achieving internal clarity with the Eye of Agamotto - DSMMA 10
Survives planetary destruction initiated by Mordo - DSMMA 12 - 13
Rescues Eternity from Nightmare, and proves his worth to the Abstract - DSMMA 13
Defeats Dracula and cures himself of Vampirism - DSMMA 14
Teaches Clea time-travel, and then travels into the past and from there, distant future - DSMMA 17, DSMMA 18
Hurls the flame-breath of a water-demon back at it, and survives millions of tons of water crashing down upon him, making his way back to the surface - DSMMA 18
Wills the world's flow of time to cease - DSMMA 19
Eye of Agamotto returns him to Earth's dimension despite him being devoured at the same time - DSMMA 22
Freezes Clea in time and enters her cerebral cortex - DSMMA 22
Can stand in the presence of a sentient star - DSMMA 24
Can exorcise dimensional beings from himself - DSMMA 25
Defeats an alternate boar-version of himself, with power that rivals his own - DSMMA 25
Shields himself from a combined mystical assault that tears apart an entire downtown neighbourhood, and fights back and bests most of his assailants - DSMMA 26
Sends the Ancient One across an entire dimension and back to Earth - DSMMA 27
Survives being collapsed into 2-D - DSMMA 27
Survives being imprisoned in a sphere of nuclear flame - DSMMA 27
Forces a living star to go Supernova (which he survives being in the presence of, both astrally and physically, multi-tasking to boot!), and after detonating collapse into a black hole. He then manipulates it, rendering its gravitational pull null for a short time, before hurling it into the Wheel of Change - DSMMA 27
Survives the In-Betweener's assault on him, where Strange was trapped within entire levels of reality (which the In-Betweener states can extend to even fantasy), and later subject to very high-level reality warping (with the In-Betweener sending Strange to the ends of Infinity, backwards in time to be burned at the stake, bound for all time on any billion alien worlds, etc). He also endures the ensuing mental insanity - DSMMA 28
Note: The In-Betweener is an abstract and creator of the Wheel of Change (which he did by empowering absolutely mediocre magi called the creators with some of his powers to allow them to create the device), which could affect universal reset. He/it embodies the concept of Dichotomy (all opposites), much like Sire Hate embodies Hate, Anomaly embodies things which are not things, etc.
Strange breaks free and calls upon Lord Chaos and Master Order, the abstracts of Chaos and Order, themselves, throwing that same power alongside his magic at the In-Betweener, besting him and imprisoning him - DSMMA 28
Channels his mystic powers into altering the pitch of the True Wheel of Change, which is capable of effecting universal change and destruction. Strange succeeds in changing its direction, causing the universe to turn in on itself and be restored - DSMMA 28
The Eye of Agamotto moves at speeds rivalling (and possibly exceeding) lightspeed to deflect the highest-intensity setting of a proton converter. It then turns that energy back against the weapon and destroys it - DSMMA 29
Destroys the earthly counterpart of the Dweller-in-Darkness, a Fear Lord - DSMMA 30
Casts the Rings of Raggadorr around America - DSMMA 31
Rejoins his astral form with his body and in an instant afterwards, dodges a close-range sword strike from Alaric, who was at the time empowered by a mystical blade to the point that he could send Namor flying with a punch - DSMMA 31
Defeats an agent of Nightmare in Nightmare's own dimension - DSMMA 34
Defeats Ningal, another directly-empowered agent of the Dweller-in-Darkness(whose power is such that he can casually distort space itself) by trapping him in an arcane vortex and imprisoning his life-essence in mystic amber - DSMMA 37
Opens a fiery pit to the core of the earth to destroy two demons - DSMMA 38
Removes the evil half of the Shadowqueen, an evil sorceress empowered by the N'Garai (Spawn of the Elder God Chthon) and absorbs it into himself, then exorcises all of it from himself, expelling it from his being in the form of an enormous lightning bolt so bright it wakes most of Manhattan - DSMMA 44
Inscribes a mystic circle and seal using the very soul itself. Strange then wielded that power, described as pure life itself and capable of shaping or shaking a universe. He uses it to seal the doorway of the N'Garai into the human realm and banish the invading N'Garai - DSMMA 45
Cleanses himself of a poison that was seeping into his pores - DSMMA 46
The Eye of Agamotto pulls his foes into another plane of existence, against their will - DSMMA 46
Is able to hold his own against Ikonn, a mystical deity held in the same league as Cytorrak himself (both are Octessence wager members) and eventually banishes Ikonn back to his own realm by freezing his summoning bell in time, despite Ikonn defending his link to the earthly plane - DSMMA 47
The radiance of the Eye can rival the Sun's - DSMMA 48
Can review a hundred spells in an instant - DSMMA 49
Destroys Mordo's bodily form and disperses it across an entire dimension (Mordo at this point had spent months absorbing the mystic energies from a focal point between dimensions, through which their power flows) - DSMMA 49
The Eye of Agamotto's mystic light shatters Nightmare's mystical cage in his own dimension - DSMMA 50
Turns Tiboro into stone by manipulating the human egos he consumed - DSMMA 54
Even when heartbroken by Clea leaving him (he hadn't eaten for a week), he faces and overcomes D'Spayre, a Fear-Lord (like Nightmare and the Dweller) whose sphere of influence is despair, which made Strange especially vulnerable to him at the time. He recovers from D'Spayre's touch of fear (which impresses D'Spayre himself), dispels his illusions, and even overcomes his attempt to trick him with an illusion of Clea, before banishing him with the Crimson Bands - DSMMA 55
Humbles Margali of the Winding Road, Sorceress Supreme, in mystical combat - DSMMA 57
Neutralizes the power of the Darkhold, Book of the Elder God Chthon, by invoking the Vishanti in a spell to surround it in a Nirvalonic Sphere, from which he could read it safely. Despite the book possessing a mind of its own, and that it could marshal its own energies to attempt to kill Dr. Strange, the book was outmatched by Dr. Strange's spells. It is worth noting that such is the power of the Darkhold that when it was read out aloud for a day it summoned cataclysmic disasters that ravaged the world, boiling Atlantis' oceans and melting Wakanda's vibranium ore reserves to poison the ground - DSMMA 61
Despite earlier suffering a concussion, Dr. Strange seals a portal to an extra-dimensional plane after hurling all the invading demons back through it, and then proceeds to alter the memories of all the unfortunate party guests who bore witness to the event such that they never saw a thing - DSMMA 65
Blocks his own spell reflected back at him by Umar, who amplified its power a hundred-fold and manifested it as Faltinian Flame - DSMMA 69
Dispels Umar's Storm - DSMMA 69
Sees the true nature of Pre-Retcon Beyonder - DSMMA 74
Could have made PR Beyonder live out Eternity in a veil of illusion (and this guy annihilates dimensions by simply having internal dialogue and tears apart the multiverse by just getting angry). Beyonder admits this. - DSMMA 74
Undoes the effects of the Beyonder's reality warping / matter manipulation - DSMMA 74
Transmutes a butter knife into a sword - DSMMA 79
When controlling another body, summons Satannish to claim the soul of an alien warrior - DSMMA 79
Destroys the Dark Blood, beings summoned forth by the Darkhold - DSMMA 81
Key: Strange Tales Volume 2 - ST V2
Additonal Key: Fantastic Four - FF
His defenses, survive lightning - ST V2 2
Black Magic (the opposite of White Magic, which he is pledged to as the Sorcerer Supreme) permits him to summon the dead - ST V2 6
Energies released from an emotional outburst (before he trained in Black Magic) tear a room apart - ST V2 8
Even as a novice of Black Magic he could banish Ghaszaszh Nyirh and destroy his entire ancient monolith-temple, an Old One who served Shuma-Gorath - ST V2 10
Summons an army of elemental spirits and forces them to fight for him - ST V2 11
Flies by Dragonfire across numerous realms - ST V2 13
One of, if not the THE battle(s) of Strange's career, in my humble opinion. Dr. Strange, having absorbed the power and ego of Arioch, comes face-to-face with none other than Shuma-Gorath himself. He faces down the Lord of Chaos, Absolute Ruler of Hundreds of Dimensions in his own realm, deeper than even Arioch's own (and very likely of the same scale as Arioch's, given what is his lieutenants' is effectively his) and where he is effectively all-powerful. As always, you can count on the Sorcerer Supreme!
His shields block a full-on attack from Shuma-Gorath - ST V2 14
Severs one of his limbs - ST V2 14
Was draining power out of Shuma himself - ST V2 14
Cancels out Shuma-Gorath's mystic attack on the entire planet with his own spell - ST V2 14
Blocks Shuma's attack despite letting his guard slip too much - ST V2 14
Their conflict was threatening to collapse all the Nether-Realms - FF 314
Destroys Shuma-Gorath by hurling Shuma's own planetary voodoo doll into his eye, shattering him - ST V2 14
He did what even Agamotto did not - ST V2 15
Gives Victoria Bentley all the mystic power he drained from her before fighting Shuma, and more - ST V2 18