303 british reduced / Gallery load development

A while back I asked for advice on making reduced loads for a 303 british.

Today I got to do a really quick test on what I decided to try out then.

I got some 7.65mm fmj bullets. I was expecting them to measure around .312" though they are a perfect .308". But I decided to go forward and test them anyway.

I loaded up 5 rounds to function test and see what velocity I get. Brass is S&B fireformed and then neck sized only. I usually bump size my brass back 0.002" but I dont have a expander for .308 bullets so I neck sized instead.

Remington magnum primers. 4.0gr of Somchem S121 powder. With no filler material. I also added a slight crimp as there was very little neck tension on the bullets.

I am really pleased with the results. Went way better than I expected. Plus no squibs.

Shooting was done at around 25 yards prone without bags. was not testing for accuracy although I am quite pleased with the "grouping."

I will up the charge around 0.5 to 1.0 gr but I want to keep it subsonic. Then I'll do some proper accuracy test at 25 and 50 yards.

The click of the firing pin seems louder then the muzzle report while wearing ear pro.

I think this is my new favorite way to shoot my Lee Enfield.