When do you call it quits and just co-parent?

TL;DR: GF is mad for a couple of lies I told and I think I’m over the relationship even though she’s my baby momma.

Over summer I 27M got this girl (27F) pregnant after our first time hooking up. She told me she was on birth control but admitted she mistook it a one-two times that week. She did give me the out of jail free card but I told her I wanted to be around for my child. She told me I could visit my child on some weekends if I had time which she lived an hour away but she wanted to keep our kid close to her sisters/mother. This started a big argument because it sounded like she wanted to keep the child away from me. This ended with us going house hunting and me spending more than $50k of my savings to buy a house she liked. I woke up at 4am every day to get the home ready for her to move in, I helped her moved and I think during her whole pregnancy I missed one appointment. In the first couple months of being pregnant, She still worked an hour away but I was able to convince my CEO to interview her for a job that would pay $5 more an hour, would be two blocks from the house I bought and would be another $3-$5/hr increase at annual review. She had a fit because she didn’t have to do anything at her current job and could “watch Netflix all day”. I pleaded with her just to apply to see if she would even like it but I told her she didn’t have to take the job. I put her on my car insurance which saved her $500/month, I gave her $10k to pay off her car. I do 99% of the cleaning, did a majority of cooking when she was pregnant. Deleted all social media for her. Stopped working out because she doesnt trust me to go out. And I bout a majority of the house furniture she’s wanted. I even called every day care for our child and she refused to do day care but instead we will use her Family and I’ll pay them $500/month because they “need the money”. even buy 90% of the groceries and there’s been months that just her flavored drinks have cost me $500-$600!

During this time I did do a few things wrong openly. A old female friend from highschool who I have no romantic history with hit me up cause she saw me and the girl post online that we were expecting. Everything was fine until she started to HIT ME UP and I told her that I wasn’t interested. When she kept texting me I blocked her. My GF saw her texting me once and asked who was texting me. Idk why but I told her my cousin which was technically true at the time. My GF was pissed. Another error was that I had a secret TikTok. Full of body builders, hot woman, motivational stuff etc. I lied and told my GF I only had one TikTok which was the one she knew about and she was PO about the secret one because not only did I lie about it but I was probably talking to girls on it. This most recently came back up again and is the reason I’m typing all this out actually because she caught me on the baby monitor scrolling through my secret TikTok after I had deleted all my other social media because she threw a fit that there were “too many woman” on my social media. Last thing I did wrong was that on my old Facebook profile my cover photo was my graduation photo from college with me, grandparents, mom/dad, brother and an ex girlfriend. I only used Facebook for marketplace but when she asked who the girl was I told her an old family friend. I hadn’t even talked to that girl for a year almost! I changed the cover photo and she found out it was an ex. She was again pissed.

Is it time to end it?