How/when do I(21F) tell my boyfriend(22M) that I’m getting surgery?
For some context, we have been dating for over three years and have had our fair share of issues. One of my main issues recently has to do with his moral and political views, and because of them I’m not sure how to approach this or if I should at all.
I told my boyfriend last summer that I would get a tubal ligation if the election turned out the way it did, so that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m not only doing it only because of that, I’ve wanted to for years. I’m just saying this because I did tell him then, so it wouldn’t be a total surprise when I did go ahead with it.
I stopped bringing it up after that because he suddenly started to get weird about it. Plus he doesn’t seem to like it when I talk about anything regarding women’s healthcare. However he brought it up during an argument, saying how I wanted to get “mutilated”. After that I tried to see his perspective on it, so I asked why he was so against it. He only gave me non answers so I’m still not really sure what the reasoning is. My fear is that he expects biological children and just doesn’t want to say it. I told him about my stance very very early on, and that I would never have bio kids. He was okay with it then, and says he is now, but I don’t see any other reason as to why he would have a problem with the surgery. He was completely fine with never having kids up until fall of last year. Now his stance is adoption, supposedly.
I am scheduled to have the surgery in a little over two weeks. I didn’t tell him as I was trying to get approved for it, because I wasn’t sure if I would be rejected for being too young. However it is definitely happening now, and I don’t know if or when I should tell him. I’m afraid that if I tell him before, that he will make me feel bad or try to convince me out of it; but I also don’t want to leave him in the dark and just do it.
I’d really like some perspective on this, because I don’t know.
Didn’t think I’d have to edit this so early but anyhow. I don’t need opinions on getting a tubal ligation, I know I’m young, I know it’s permanent. I also know that I have chronic physical issues as well as mental issues that I am not willing to mix with pregnancy. This is not something I am choosing to do on a whim, I’ve brought it up to my doctors for years but they always mentioned my age and the issues it would cause, so I waited. For those who don’t believe that a doctor would do a tubal on someone so young. Just know I live in a blue state and had an amazingly understanding doctor and gynecologist.
I’m also aware of how toxic this sounds, but I’m a stressed out college student who just needs to know what will likely be the easiest time to tell him. I love him, and for me it’s really not as simple as just dumping him, believe me, I’ve definitely tried. I am reaching a breaking point, but for right now I can’t do it. Just thinking about telling him (or anyone other than my two friends who know) stresses me out to a point of a near panic attack. All of my family is conservative, so I have no one to tell me when is best/worst to tell him.