Going to school for engineering is a miserable experience

This is a bit of a response to a post I saw about whether college has always been like this. I graduated with a degree in an engineering a couple years ago and it is such a depressing thing to go through.

I did well in all my classes but I didn’t learn anything. You don’t really learn anything in these classes. There’s grade inflation everywhere, and even with that, people struggle to do well in homework and tests because either they’re cheating or they have no motivation.

Professors are terrible and unengaging. I actually think this is specifically an engineering problem. I took some humanities classes for fun and the professors were much more engaging and interesting. In my engineering classes, I’d just scroll through whatever app, but I’d be paying attention the whole time in my humanities classes.

In my experience, you can literally get an A or a B in every engineering class if you just do the homework and read the book even if it doesn’t make sense to you. It’s all about puzzles, not intelligence.

Peers are not curious and are uncultured. They care about making money and unironically talk about working for defense or tech companies. They don’t listen to music or watch movies or make anything. They’re like zombies.

I hated my experience and work isn’t much different. The only good thing is that you make a pretty good amount of money. I was able to get a six figure job after graduating, so that’s the only saving grace.

College is fucked. Even in “important” majors, the concepts are taught so poorly and the people are so unmotivated to actually learn that the experience made me disillusioned. I stopped paying attention in class after my second year and still made good grades.

I don’t really know what the point of this post is but I wish college was better, or maybe I wish engineering classes were more engaging. I don’t know, but I guess this is just my experience from one school.