What to read after RR
Sorry I know this comes up a lot a lot however all the suggestions are not vibing with me. I read red rising on a whim as it’s not really the type of book that I would go for but loved it.
I love a dystopian/utopian futuristic book, the battle scenes in red rising were interesting however not the typical stuff I would normally enjoy.
Would love a series so I don’t have to come back looking for a new book in a few weeks time 😂. Would I enjoy dune even though I don’t like the films?
I tried reading a sample of will of many that’s been mentioned here a few times but waiting for it to drop in price as it’s a little steep right now for me
These are also books I have enjoyed in the past before RR This perfect day Sand Wool
I don’t enjoy anything too fantasy involving things like dragons and etc or anything without the futuristic element to it
If they’re on kindle unlimited that would be a huge bonus but not necessary