i hate being awake

i realize when I wake up in the morning i look to my desk. do i take my pills? do i get morning drunk? do i wake & bake? how am i going to get through the day? but im scared of my pills now because i dont want to be manic and scared again , i forget who i am i dont even want to do the drugs i obsess over anymore. i just want to sleep. i sleep entire nights and days. the idea of getting out of bed sounds awful like it takes so much energy. when i have to wakeup for classes it makes me want to cry. i miss my classes almost every other day. im doing so much worse than im capable of. i just want to sleep i dont want to be concious i dont want to be here and addicts get no sympathy my therapist doesnt want to see me any more because by her words im “not all there”. my parents think im just an addict and they dont understand i want to run away from my life now. im only 18 yrs old ive been living alone since 17 i dont want to be independant. i cant live anymore and my life isnt even hard