i shifted
disclaimer sorry my grammar isnt good im still trying to process this 😭
this post isnt gonna be very entertaining so..sorry in advance you dont gotta read all of it tho. anyways i didnt shift to my dr i shifted to a parallel cr (accidentally) where something had changed, and i connected the dots and i was like "wow, i shifted omg". recently i have been getting more into parallel realities gathering more information about them, so over these days i js been like gaslighting myself into thinking i shifted to a parallel reality (i feel like it would be easier than trying to reach my dr) when something was off until i actually did, today. a tiny tiny backstory, yesterday i was literally freaking out about not being able to shift but idk IT WAS ONE OF THOSE DAYS OK. later that night i put on subliminals to sleep just because i think it helps me sleep 😭😭 didnt have any intention to shift at all, i was just completely drained from everything yesterday so i was like fuck this i literally just want to sleep.. and so i did. i wake up this morning feeling 10x better and just so much more energetic. later im sitting in my room (mind u i share a room with my sister) playing with some slime me and my sister made tg and i look over at the glue and it is filled almost to the brim. i domt think anything of it at first and go back to play with my slime then i realize wait a fucking second--that was literally halfway gone yesterday. i fully swore it was. i remember the conversation yesterday too it went something like this
me- shit the glue is almost done then my sister proceeds to look at the glue bc she wasnt paying attention her- yup, halfway done already
btw we got this glue like 2 days ago and we had already made sm slime. BACK TO TODAY i look back at the glue and im like "hey wasnt this glue like halfway done yesterday?" she then gets up and looks at it and is like "no..we havent used that much" she was being a bitch but wtv lol not the point..i start freaking out bc i literally SAW with my 2 eyeholes that it was halfway done YESTERDAY and somehow it magically filled back up? so bc it was full i was like "u had to have bought another gallon right" and she AGAIN denies all of it like...huh???
anyways thats where it ends lol
as a youngg teenage girl who has been trying so hard to be patient and trust the process, i definitely needed this. showing how real it is and how it literally feels like nothing changed. like honestly i still dont know if i shifted but this is the one time i noticed smth was different so😭