Basket of Unfairness

Stroll an’ flex while flipping through hoes like a Rolodex, due to Unfair’s dick riding this prick is inviting to get his colon stretched, the goal is etched in stone so when he’s lying prone you’ll hear him groan and wretch, scroll an text about how I just stole his Lex, he faker than golden mechs who can still play old cassettes, no regrets or fucks when I know a Cuck is your role in sex, explodin’ tecs hope you have Motrin for the motion when Robot wrecks, I give unfairness by the baskets leave’em flatter than a airless mattress, you ain’t got lines like a careless actress don’t know how you’re gonna square this back fist, you on the blacklist of ever becoming great or legendary, you stuck in your seat; sedentary compared to me you’re secondary and fuck with me your home will be a grave in the cemetery

Troll post