I just don’t understand why people who know I was assaulted care more about the person who did it than me

Despite initially being told that a lot of people believed me and were disgusted by the actions of the perpetrator, many have slowly started interacting with them again. Liking their posts on social media, hanging out with them. Even people who were close to me and had no connection to my ex seem to be favouring them, and I’m just so confused.

For some reason all I can think is: what makes them so special? Why are they more believable than me? Why is them assaulting me not seen as a big deal? I just don’t understand. I never thought they were that special, even when we were dating. There’s nothing about them that should, on paper, make them more valuable than me. Yet so many people appear to like them more. They forgave them so easily. It makes me feel like I must be inferior, because why else would people not rally around me the way they rally around the person they know for certain assaulted me?