They molded you into what they needed
Many people who were raised by narcissists tend to be very kind, patient, empathic, tolerant, giving people. Often overly so. They will put the needs of others ahead of their own. They are the type of people who you feel completely comfortable telling all your problems to. They don’t want to hurt you. They are unselfish to an extreme degree.
But the reason they are this way in the first place, in many cases, is because their narcissistic parent(s) molded them to be this way. They were shaped into the people that their narcissistic parent(s) needed them to be.
Narcissists need their children to be an audience. To be cheerleaders and supporters, and ultimately, enablers. To be endlessly kind, endlessly patient, and endlessly forgiving. To be without a self, a drive, or a will of their own. Narcissists need their children to place themselves and their lives aside so that the narcissist can have their insatiable, suffocating needs met - time and time again.
You were trained. You were molded. It was never about what was good for YOU and YOUR life. It was about turning you into whatever would serve THEM.