When did you find out about Rainworld?

Not the most inspired question, but I remember rainworld vividly because my first introduction to it was on release on my PS4. I believe it was set as a PS+ free game for that month in March. I was visiting the grandparents and had it hooked up in the living room. Played it with a younger cousin.

I ended up never making it farther than drainage system or shaded citadel before feeling stonewalled. This was before the community had had any time to chew on it, and conjecture online about its features and lore was wild and untamed.

I left it for a long while, but came back early last year with downpour's quality of life updates. I'd always had a fond opinion of the game inbetween then and last year, but never really rolled up my sleeves and did the footwork to learn it (and finish it!) until recently

When you did find out about rainworld, what got you hooked?