T-shirt I made for next week's gig

Hi I made this t-shirt for the concert next week in London. What do people think? I hope Lynn maybe sees it, I would scream but I have no social media so just posting here.

Disclaimer: this is just something I do for every concert I go to to show my appreciation for the band. I just make one, I don't sell them to rip the band off, it's just a bit of fun and an outlet for creativity.

Feel free to say hi in the queue i like meeting new people at gigs.

Hi I made this t-shirt for the concert next week in London. What do people think? I hope Lynn maybe sees it, I would scream but I have no social media so just posting here.

Disclaimer: this is just something I do for every concert I go to to show my appreciation for the band. I just make one, I don't sell them to rip the band off, it's just a bit of fun and an outlet for creativity.

Feel free to say hi in the queue i like meeting new people at gigs.