[PS4] W: Demon Scar +10, Sunless Talisman +10, Mirrah Chain Set, Sunset Armor Set/Shield, Silvercat Ring H: Souls, Embers, Mule
Hi! I'm looking to create a Dark Miracle/Pyro Combo build so mainhand Demon Scar + Offhand Sunless Talisman for Dark Miracles... The last couple items (armor sets + Silvercat Ring) are not as needed but its just I failed Sirris Quest and would love these armors (can't access Sunless Talisman either because of failing her quest, and with Demon Scar I really like using Seething Chaos so the Demon Prince boss soul goes to that). Thanks!
Edit; Also a Dark Great Corvian Scythe +10 would be cool but not necessary, I'm trying to farm that weapon rn not getting it to drop, just to finish off my edgy Dark Pyro Build. I have a bunch of boss souls I can transpose into weapons, also a couple duped Great Champion Souls and some other spare weapons, just ask away