Something frustrating I keep seeing from pro-choice Trump supporters

This is part rant/part genuine question.

Something I keep seeing from Trump supporters who are supposedly pro-choice are variations of the following:

“He’s not going to ban abortion.”


“He can’t ban abortion, it’s been left up to the states.”

First of all, we don’t know what he’s going to do. When asked if he would veto an abortion ban, he declined to answer. When asked about how he’d vote on the Florida amendment, he kept flip flopping. The only thing he’s said somewhat consistently is that he supports exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother… but as we all know, even these limited exceptions do not really work out in practice.

Second of all, (speaking to Trump supporters) why do y’all think this is settled? Just because the Supreme Court’s ruling handed abortion back to the states doesn’t mean there’s anything stopping Congress from passing nationwide restrictions. Do I think they would pass an outright ban on all abortions? Probably not. But there’s nothing stopping them from passing, say, a 6, 12, or 15 week ban. This is exactly the kind of thing people like JD Vance want- except they don’t call it a ban, they call it a “minimum national standard” because that sounds more palatable than a ban.

This election was literally a wet dream for pro-life republicans. They’ve been trying to roll back these rights for decades, and now with every single branch of government under conservative control, they just might get their chance. You really think they’re not going to take it?

Lastly, this is for those of you who say “it’s up to the states now.” Well, first of all, it’s really not in a lot of cases. Many Republican state legislatures will not put this issue on the ballot, despite the fact that most people are pro-choice to some degree. Second of all, why are you even ok with this issue being up to the states? If you believe this should be a right, shouldn’t it be a right for everyone in your country? Don’t you care that women in states like Idaho, Texas, and Georgia are dying or having to go to extreme measures to seek care out of state? Don’t you care that we are creating obgyn deserts and that hospital maternity wards are shutting down? Or is this just not that important of an issue to you?

Anyway, sorry for the rant but I’m frustrated by Trump supporters telling me and others that we’re overreacting and that this is all settled and Trump’s not going to do anything. I honestly hope they’re right, but I fear that they’re going to find out soon what they really voted for.