I lost my cool on a pro-lifer in a stream comparing abortion to slavery

I was in a livestream a few days ago where the host and his panelists were comparing abortion to slavery and bigotry.

I wrote how this was nonsense. I talked about bodily autonomy in the chat and how it’s a horrible thing abortion is being restricted in so many states.

This random lady replies to me “cry about it.” I don’t know this woman so I’m like “Show me where I was speaking to you at all.”

She then tried to do a back and forth saying “I don’t give af fuck you lmao” and it set me off.

I’m not proud of it but I went off on her hard. I used ad-hominem attacks and told her she was the type of person no one would miss because she was so mean and nasty. She stopped replying after that. I think I went too far.

I’m embarrassed I took it there even though she was a major asshole.

I get so tired of dealing with stupid people and hearing the same dumb shit over and over again. Sometimes it’s too much.