Rowing Blazers is Dead

I'm honestly newer to this sub, so if this grievance has already been aired, forgive me. As some of you may know, RB was recently acquired in the past couple years. It been a while since I've purchased from them, but decided to see what their quality was like given the new leadership, and there having been a restock of Harry's tees. I just took delivery of one of their new t-shirts today and the quality is beyond poor. Made in China, poor silhouette, and crap material. Prices are up, and quality is just gone. I don't know if the same can be said with their higher tier products, but having looked around, it looks like all mentions of their shirts being made in Portugal is gone and I can assume that due to cutting costs, they've likely outsourced most manufacturing to China. Sad to see such a fun brand loose it's quality and market position. Hopefully someone will come along and fill the hole. If anyone knows of any other fun brands that are competitive in the space, send them my way. Further, if anyone is feeling entrepreneurial, I think a good business venture would be to find and hire the old shirt manufacturer in Portugal and have fun with your own thing using their blanks as I always found them very comfortable.