cannot find shadowing AT ALL
I’m hitting a wall with the amount of outreach I am doing to find a single PA to shadow. I attempted 30 offices in my college town to shadow and one (1) office manager allowed me to come in for just 4 hours. I have made 42 phone calls in my home town where I work now and every single practice says no. I have tried asking every doctor I see if I can shadow any PAs and their offices do not allow it. Most places say they are too busy, too short-staffed, etc. One place interestingly told me that they won’t allow it because of HIPAA; when I explained I have been a healthcare worker for 2 years and therefore already operate under HIPAA, they didn’t care. I am becoming so frustrated because I feel as though this is the one part of my application I cannot control…. 2 years of my undergrad were spent in COVID so there were 0 opportunities in that time (and during that time I still tried and couldn’t find anyone to allow it). Would appreciate any advice or shadowing opportunities in Washington Dc area.