Thinking of doing a C section. Traumatized from my last birth.
I don't know if I really need advice or not.
I plan on talking to my doctor tomorrow but I am struggling with my anxiety.
I am currently 20w along with my second pregnancy.
I first was great till the birth. Had him at 39+4 and he was semi big at 8lb 1oz. He also was sunny side up (nose facing my pelvis vs nose facing tail bone like normal) And for anyone that doesn't know that means that the widest part of the baby head is coming out first instead of the cone part of the head which is made to come out first.
Him being born in that position caused me to tear in 3 locations all needing stitches and all VERY painful. I had the Epidural for my labor which also was a very long process for me as well but it only semi worked. i could feel contraction pain in my tail bone and my left butt cheek... they of course turned it off for the pushing part which lasted 2 1/2 hours for me.
During my birth i was crying and saying i couldn't handle it anymore, i was in so much pain i wanted to quit. which i technically did as i stopped pushing myself though my body still naturally pushed and they had to help pull him out of me once his head came out.
I feel as though I'm sort of traumatized and I'm having so much anxiety about giving birth again. I've told my husband that I am considering a C section as the cons of a c section sound way more worth it to me than going through a 24 hour labor, and 2+ plus hours of pushing and feeling like I'm giving up.
I am aware a C section has a several month healing process, I'm aware of how the procedure works. What I maybe want is hearing other peoples experience. Did you choose to do a C section after a birth that scared you? what did you do to help with the anxiety of going through that pain again?