Is it Ectopic??
I am by my tracking around 4w+4day, but I don’t know for sure when I ovulated so give or take a few days. I got into a mild car accident yesterday so I went into the ER to get checked out just in case. I was told multiple times they may see nothing on an ultrasound this early, and indeed they saw nothing at all anywhere. I was told that’s fine and it may take a week or two more to see something. But my lining was thickened to 17mm. And they did do a pee test that came back positive. I told my sister-in-law this and she is saying I need to be like rushing to an OB and getting panels done asap cuz since they didn’t see anything I’m probably having an ectopic pregnancy and I need to be worried rn. But they took lots of pics of my ovaries and tubes to good visibility they said. And they didn’t see anything there either. I have had no serious or abnormal feeling cramping, no bleeding? Should I really be super worried? I have my first official OB appointment in a week and a half.