Advice on next pour over brewer

So I have moved from espresso to pour over gradually over 1/2 years. Now nearly 90% it’s pour over, with only occasional espresso drink on weekends - it’s a faff as I have moved my main grinder for filter so I need to move it for this.

So far I have chemex for 2-person brewing 25-32g and Clever dripper for single or quicker brewing 20-28g. Oh, and a syphon with alcohol burner when I have guests or want a nice atmosphere - hehe

I have a few different grinders, including Comandate, so I should be able to grind for most brewers just fine.

Looking for a next brewer purchase. Ideally for 25-35g range. Maybe I want a flexibility to brew directly into a thermos as I don’t have this capability. conical brewer like April looks interesting (but which one 🧐).

It’s been a while since I did in debt review on brewers.

Any clear favourite brewers that I should consider?