Too Stupid For ZP6- What next?
Over the past year I have been driving myself absolutely insane trying to make good coffee. I've tried all of the major brew methods, adjusting all of the variables... but good coffee has become rare and unrepeatable when it does happen.
I started with the Timemore C2 and when I became unsatisfied, I saw the rave reviews for the ZP6 and dove in blind. It's been months and I feel like I'm losing my mind dialing it in. It's either bitter or weak. No in-between.
I noticed that if I bought ground coffee from a store that I could get a decent cup(as good as grocery store coffee gets). This makes me suspect that my issue is the grinder.
Is there a better/more forgiving grinder for me? I enjoy light roast with fruity/acidity.
V60 and Clever Dripper are what I have now.
I'd really appreciate any input. Feels like I'm losing my mind. It shouldnt be this hard.
Edit for more info:
Beans: Always buy light roasts. Sometimes from Happy Mug Coffee, other times from local places.
Methods: V60, probably tried every popular method on YouTube. Clever Dripper, only tried the Hoffman method.
Ratios: kind of all over the place. But usually end up doing 20ish grams per 300ml