I don't know wtf I'm doing.
It's day 1 and I'm in bed crying.
I'm trying to do the Oh Crap method, but I don't actually know how. I've only managed to get to chapter 4 in the 5 months I've had the book, because I never have time to read a damn book. He's 32 months, he's fully capable, and he deserves to learn this. But I feel like a complete idiot on this subject.
We started the day taking his sister to school with diaper on. Got naked and tossed the diapers and said goodbye to them as soon as we got home. Within a few minutes, he peed on his potty without any prompting. We were both very proud. Couple hours later we took a potty break, he tried and said he couldn't do it. I encouraged him, and then he said "It feels like I'm peeing!" And got on the potty in time. 2 successfull pees. Felt great. Again, so proud.
We get to lunch time. Tried 3 times before sitting at the table, but he didn't go. Then peed in his chair. No biggie, accidents are expected.
Moved on to nap time shortly after. Sat with him for over an hour taking breaks throughout our routine to try going on the potty, but he wouldn't go. Got him in a pull-up (not even sure if thats the right move?? Haven't made it that far in the book...) and told him it's only in case of accidents during nap. He immediately pees in it.
I know he also needs to poop. He does that almost every day around nap time. It regularly keeps him up and fucks up his schedule. He's been in his room without me for 30 minutes now, still not asleep, and we need to leave in 45 to pick up sis.
Am I doing anything wrong? I know it's day 1 and I probably just need more patience, but that whole hour before nap with the immediate pee in the pull-up really has me feeling defeated. This is exactly why we're so late to the potty training party... Mom has no fucking clue what she's doing.