31 days in quitting watching porn realization.
One thing I've noticed now 31 days into quitting watching porn is that my brain fog is gone, which means I can see my life clearly. That included the mistakes I've made in my life and the people I may have hurt along the way. I want to right my wrongs. I'm trying my best to become a better person. But without my brain fog, I can see that maybe I have not been the good guy all along. Maybe I have made dumb decisions. And when I start to realize these things, my mind wants to go back to my rut, the hole I was digging. Where yeah, it was shameful pittyful and shallow, but it was comfortable. Every day, I remind myself that I need to get further and further away from that hole. All porn did in my life wasn't taking the problems away. It was just distracting me. And now I just want to make things right in life. All that porn is, is a distraction from the important things in life.