How do you not squish/ deform unbaked clay??(question/rant)
So, i mainly make figurines out of polymer clay, so im not sure if anything I’m saying is gonna be relevant to many people but screw it. HOW DO YOU NOT SQUISH THE SCULPTURE WHILE YOUR WORKING ON IT?? I see the most incredibly detailed work and then I watch the video of them doing it they do all of it in one bake and never even seem to worry about how to hold it without messing it up. When i make things I have to bake it literally every time I add something for fear of putting my fingers in the wrong place. And I know the usually fix would be “just use harder clay” but I use super sculpy firm and even that deforms so easily
I was never self conscious about how often I bake my sculpting but seeing how little everyone else does makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong? Even people who work with premo or craft smart or even sculpt original don’t seem to have this issue so im just so confused.
Am i alone in this? Am I the only weirdo who can’t figure this out? If so how do I change? I don’t know if I want validation or just conformation I’m losing my mind