NVQ and stress leave

Over this set of rest days I’ve come to a fantastic realisation. I am so, so - incredibly depressed. I did not move from my bed these days off. I excused it by saying I was tired and my body needed the rest. Then rest day two rolled around, same thing. Then, day three and the same thing. No motivation.

Now my terrible habit is checking my job phone before I go back to work, just so I know what to expect. I’m getting emails from community regarding a crime report, that I’m still within my vcops for. A member of the community team has snooped through my report and send me countless emails telling me to update the victim, for a first time harassment. I am LOOSING it.

My workload is growing, and growing. My victim care is shocking, (still staying within the 28 days) but it’s very much minimal. My home life is coming into the job and the job is coming into my home. I’m kept up at night, my mental health is severely on the decline. Im under investigation for something so futile, with absolutely no update and no welfare support. I feel well and truly, beaten. I haven’t spoken to my sergeants yet about it, and I know that’s the first step. I’m still on my NVQ, and I don’t want to fall behind, even though I’m miles ahead. I’m terrified if I go off with stress, my NVQ will fall behind, I’ll be action planned. I love the job, at its core. I hate what it’s doing to me though.

So after my little vent (sorry), does anyone know if long term sickness will have an affect on my NVQ. I’ve worked so hard to get to where I am, I don’t want to loose it now.