Unnecessary excessive bureaucracy
I just thought I'd share some police-based stupidity from today.
My most recent eye exam is about to expire for my taser permit. My force sent me the form for the opticians as well as a voucher. Go to the opticians, have the advanced eye exam, and complete the form, including the old-fashioned stamp. Which they had to find in a cupboard because it isn't used anymore.
Scan the form and send it to Occ Health who point out that the optician has missed the date off. Therefore I have to return to the opticians, get them to fill the date in, sign and initial the mistake, and then resend the form.
When I suggested that I could fill the date in because I was there, plus sign and date it. This was rejected, the reason unknown. Not trustworthy? Might lie? Thankfully I hadn't used the voucher because I don't use Specsavers, so I had a receipt. When I provided this proof and asked for common sense. The nurse made some useless arguments about the Police and our policies, so we should understand.
What is the most unnecessary bit of bureaucracy you've faced?