Thinking about replaying scarlet again . What's some fun pokemon y'all used ?

My team was

Meowscarda - Coriander Corviknight - Knighwing Toxtricity - Amplitude Volcarona - Sun goku Shiny noivern - Soya sauce Basculegion - Chopsticks

And it was really fun almost everyone was so useful except noivern but he was shiny so he gets the pass .

For basculegion it's a funny story . I wanted a water type attacker for fire team star captain but I didn't really like anything that I saw so I went to kitakami caught a way over leveled basculin and bred it lol . But it was so worth it adaptability mystic water rain boosted tera water sweeping was fun. Def one of my fav water types now .

I don't have any specific Mon I want to use maybe except goodra cause I just really love goodra but didn't use him cause of noivern