How to avoid Scam Giveaways
Recently there has been many scam posts inside of this subreddit, tricking you all into following their roblox accounts so they can gain followers. But, how do you detect who is a scammer or not? I'll be giving insights on how to be careful from scams like these.
#1. They are asking for followers
Most legit giveaways will not be asking you to follow their Roblox account. The majority of fake giveaways want something in return from the person falling for their lies, which is mainly to gain followers on Roblox. A scammer, whose Roblox username was daintsi did a fake giveaway in this subreddit for 6,000 robux. One of their requirements for people to be entering is to follow their Roblox account (if you have them followed from their giveaway, unfollow them please as they lied).
#2. Inspect Element Robux?
Some of the giveaways recently have been providing inspect elemented robux amount proofs to act legit towards you all. However, they forget a simple thing when doing this. On the website, if you have over 4 digits of robux, it will display a comma in your robux amount, such as "12,345". To make sure giveaways are verifiable, make sure the giveaway hoster provides proof of their robux amount on the Roblox Mobile App, which cannot be inspect edited or lied about. This will prove that they are legit with the robux amount.
#3. Check their profile
Some of these scammers have been entering legit giveaways as well, even though their post clearly sounds like they don't need the robux. Make sure what the person is stating relates to their post history on Reddit as well, because those are ways you can verify a legit giveaway from a fake one.
Another way to prove a legit giveaway hoster is to check if they did any former giveaways on the subreddit, and if they provided proof that they have given the robux to the winner (I always send proof of my giveaways)
NOTE TO MODS: I would like to request you guys to verify if the giveaways which people make are legit because we need our subreddit members to know when someone is scamming them or not. Thanks for your help as well.
Image Below shows a scam post, being deleted with my comment calling out the fake robux amount and getting downvoted.