PLS Donate Advice for others
I see a lot of people are struggling to raise inside of PLS Donate in this subreddit, so I decided that I should give you all some tips that I've used in my journey which you can use as well. Across my time, I have raised over 7,000,000 robux which I have given back to the community!
1. Do not ever beg.
Begging inside of PLS Donate is bad. Reason is that it just almost never works for the person asking to actually receive robux from someone else unless they really lucky. Plus, most high raised players will just ignore you if you do so because of how much they get begged anyways.
2. Talk to others!
PLS Donate is a Social Hangout game where you can raise robux at the same time. That means you can be making new friends in the game while playing. You're more often going to meet real friends at lower raised amounts because most fake friends will be going to the rich players. Friendship inside of the game is very important, it can give you a very big advantage in being able to raise robux because friends are more likely to Donate to others, but DO NOT use your friend for robux. If you want to make a friendship with someone, make sure it is a genuine friendship without robux being any of importance.
3. Your Stand
You would need to get a stand in the game which stands out from the other booths. If you got over 1K+ donated, I recommend using your donated booth because people are more likely to notice that. However, if you don't have any donated booths, use some codes inside of the game to get some gift box, and use them to buy shops. The YouTuber @Liquate has made a video about PLS Donate codes so I recommend checking that video out.
4. Booth Text
Usually people say to use a different idea for your booth text such as using it as a Café, but I'm going to say not to. Donator prefer to know what they are donating towards, which means if you have a good reason on why you want to get donated, put why on your booth text. Make sure to keep the text short enough for the donator to read it quickly because if the booth text is to long, they will most likely not read it. For length of booth text, I would say 3-4 rows of text at max.
Using my booth text as an example, I'm mentioning on my booth text that I'm trying to smite someone, and I'm providing that reason and how much robux I have for the smite. This booth text has helped me out during my saving.
5. Types of servers to use.
There are 4 main types of lobbies to be inside of while playing the game, with each one having their own benefits. Normal Servers are the the main server which most players are inside of, but this also means that they are trying to raise inside of that server. If you don't use VC, the best option for you to use are Legacy servers, where you are more likely to get donated inside of because people there are not AFK.
If you have VC, and you use it often and play PLS Donate often, then I would recommend buying VIP for around £4 per month, because those servers would be better for you to be inside of because people would be donating more often inside of them because the only people who can join those servers are the people who pay.
6. Live Streaming
I have raised a ton of robux from my stream, so it is a really food method to use to gain robux, but also gain a fan base of your own! If you do want to get started with live streaming, then I recommend using OBS (or Streamlabs) to do your streams. The only issue is that you may end up seeing a lot of people spamming their username because they may think your doing a donating stream, unless you are. During my streaming, I have received 53k, 100k and 30k from just strangers joining my streams and donating me for no reason. I can guarantee it's one of the best things you can do to raise.
7. Be patient!
This game isn't going to be a one hit success for you to become rich. It is a game based on patience and a bit of luck. How I got to my amount of raise took a very long time, according to RoPro I have spent over 4,000 hours of playtime inside of the game and I wasn't even AFK'ing most of the time. But was it worth it? The amount of friends and incredible memories made the journey very so special for me, and it's not about the robux. It's just about the friendships I've made. Even during struggles of raising you may have, you can always get through and it can all be worth it.
Now, to you! If there anyone else reading this who has made good success from the game ans has any tips for new players, let them know please in the comments. Let's help each other out with some tips. If your new to the game and liked this tips, please let me know as well because I want to help you all with knowing how to raise.
Good luck with your raising!