How to Earn More Robux in Pls Donate (2025)

Hello, as someone who has ~15k raised and 6k donated, I would like to give tips on how to make more robux in Pls Donate. I only recently came back to Pls Donate for 3 weeks and I will tell you how to improve your donation rates.

  1. DON'T BEG!

Bro! I swear do not beg as it's extremely annoying and ruins the experience for others. No one likes beggars as they are extremely rude and greedy. Literally dono a beggar and there is a chance that they will ask for more. This is literally the reason why they don't have more than 1k raised or at least gets less donos is because of them begging. Begging also scares away donators. Yes you can ask nicely but please respect people's boundaries if they say no.

  1. Make your booth stand out + have good text.

As someone who likes to donate robux, I really only donate to those who have a good booth with good text rather than those "It's my birthday" "Goal " (with nothing else), "Saving up for ____" or "Pls Donate". If you have a good booth, donators or visitors would be more likely to donate to you due to your booth being interesting. Also, your text matters a lot. If you want donos, then try to be funny but appropriately. I recommend selling stuff and/or making an interactive booth for donos.

  1. Have VC

Trust me, having VC helps a lot. My donation rates increased significantly after getting VC as you can say stuff quicker and people can hear your reaction after getting donated. Also, if you have talents, try doing it on the microphone (Someone got blimped just for singing one time). Also, the normal servers are just filled with bots and beggars so you would barely get any donos there.

  1. Make Friends

If you want to become rich, then make friends with people but actual friends. Don't use them for robux as it's scummy and you will be seen as a fake friend. Also, people are more likely to donate to their friends rather than random people.

  1. Be Grateful

Even if you get a 5, 2, 3, etc just be grateful for it as the donator took so much time to donate you that robux and if the donator likes your reaction, you can make extra but actually make it meaningful. I donated 200 robux to someone just because their reaction was so wholesome.

  1. Have A lot of buttons.

I have seen so many people with only 1 button, none, or a few. I recommend having your cheapest pass as 4 (If you want the most robux.) or 3 (if you want more sales.) But never ever make a 1 robux gamepass unless farming for giftbux. I recommend having at least 3 of the same button for more dono options. A good button layout would be 4, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 100, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 750, 800, 900, 1K and so on.

  1. Have VIP

While this isn't necessary, vip can help with getting donations and make your booth more attractive also, with VIP, there is wayy richer players and sometimes game devs hang out there. Also keep in mind that people also hang out more there.

  1. Donate back if you want

Honestly, people really only care about ratios after 10k raised but you don't need to have these crazy ratios like 1k raised and 100k donated but I recommend having a 30-40% ratio after 10k raised if you want to but you shouldn't be forced to donate back.

  1. Have Fun

As much as you want robux, it is also important to have fun as any amount of fun is worth more than any amount you make. If you only play for the robux, you will be disappointed with the results you get from the game rather than you having fun.

  1. Take Breaks As much as you want to earn robux, it's not worth the stress you put as you will be less motivated than taking breaks. Also taking breaks reduces the amount of stress.

  2. Don't compare yourself with others.

Comparing yourself with others will just make you less motivated to play the game as the rich people were also at your level but actually tried to get robux. The people who say the rich get richer are mostly just beggars or don't even try to make robux. The rich made their robux by making friends, streaming, and having an interesting booth. Also if you want donos then join VC servers.

  1. Afk if you have to

As much as people hate afk players, it's actually a decent way of getting robux by doing nothing but just pulling up an auto clicker and you never know what you get once you're afk.

  1. Be nice

Just like the ratio tip, be nice in general as who would want to donate to a rude selfish beggar? I donated so much robux to people just because they were so nice to people.


As much as you want robux, scamming people isn't worth it as if you get caught, you will get the reward of a perm ban with no appeals. Don't say that your doubling donos when you have no robux.

Overall, I hope these tips helped you in any way and don't expect to immediately get robux after using these tips as it will take a while.