[Us,us] [H] Giratina v alt, sealed general mills packs, charmander poke center promo, alakazam gs, modern and vintage, latias sir etc.. [W] PayPal, possibly trades
https://imgur.com/a/goN4VUP - Singles
https://imgur.com/a/hy6IBm1 - sealed
https://imgur.com/a/XMCW8NV - close ups of big bois
Trades are limited. Looking for mostly high end vintage preferably slabbed 7 or higher. Giratina v alt psa 10.
Shipping is bmwt only @ 5.00
Prices based off tcg market or ebay for slabs
General mills packs - $10, buy 10 and you'll get them linked, uncirculated.
Giratina - 670
Latias -gone
Milotic - 135
Alakazam gs - 400
Shining celebi - 200
Charmander - poke center gone - 22 for non
Dark zard psa 8 - 110
Deoxys psa 8 - 130
Pika vmax - 135
Payments in fnf