[US, US] [H] Various alt arts, rainbows, some shinies, and team ups! [W] Paypal

timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/TK74Yn1

prices: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o3Ko9LK4OwF_1TZPFN-UIIhj0Ws3MJ1zP_tPNQieXC4/edit?usp=sharing

Good evening everyone,

Looking to continue moving off my collection, with most cards marked $15-$5 off depending on rarity, but I'm always willing to hear out any offers/bundles. Shipping is $5 for BMWT, and around $10 for the UPC. Let me know what cards you want close ups for, and I'll get those to you as soon as possible.

Thanks for looking, and happy hunting!