[US,US] (H) ARS Slabs, PSA Slab, JP Pikachu promos, PB/MB RHs, singles (W) PayPal, Wantlist of mostly alts
Hello again! Paypal is still my priority, but I have a specific wantlist at the end as well.
Some new additions and price changes from my last post so look carefully!
Prices listed are for F&F. Prices based off TCGplayer or ebay recently sold. Feel free to make reasonable offers!
Shipping BMWT only, +$5 or free for $50+ transactions.
I can ship tomorrow, otherwise I'm busy til next Tue.
ARS Slabs: (comparison to PSA and closeups1 and closeups2)
What is ARS? (translate this page to English)
- English Cards and Labels! ARS 10 Flareon VMAX, ARS 9 Vaporeon VMAX, ARS 10 Jolteon VMAX Alt Arts = Only as a set for $550
- Flareon, Vaporeon, and Jolteon CHR: all ARS 10 w/ certificates = Only as a set for $145
- ARS 9 Sightseer = $600
- ARS 9 Espeon VMAX Alt 189/S-P = $180
- ARS 10 Espeon ex SAR = $160
- ARS 10 Shiny Gardevoir ex SAR = $130
- ARS 10 Zapdos ex SAR = $95
- ARS 10 Mew ex SSR = $40
- ARS 10 Cleffa AR w/ cert = $45
- ARS 10 Vulpix 146/SM-P = $140
- ARS 10 Light Togetic (swirls!) w/ cert = $120
- ARS 9 Jungle Jigglypuff = $20
- ARS 10 Ancient Mew 2020 (sparkle holo) w/ cert = $275
- ARS 9 Fossil Zapdos = $45
- ARS 8 Base Zapdos = $35
- ARS 9 Base Alakazam = $70
- ARS 10 T-CN Mimikyu CHR w/ cert = $25
PSA Slabs:
- Taipei Pikachu 057/SV-P with bonus info card = $30
- EN Vileplume GX Rainbow = $25
- JP Inkay 261/SM-P = $10
- Art Rares (EN/JP): EN Snorlax Promo, EN Magneton Promo
- JP Full Art Trainers: Judge (Shiny Treasures), Surfer, Tyme, Mela (TeraFest)
- JP Terastal Festival Pokeball RHs: Cottonee, Charcadet x2, Chiyu, Feebas, Wigglett, Feraligatr, Iron Boulder, Morpeko, Koraidon, Bouffalant, Haban Berry, Night Stretcher, Ancient Booster Capsule, Ciphermaniac, Lacey, Amarys, Jet Energy
- New: Ceruledge, Rellor, Snorunt
- JP Terastal Festival Masterball RHs: Vaporeon, Relicanth, Bloodmoon Ursaluna
Sealed (all sealed with shrink wrap):
- x3 JP Terastal Festival ex = $95 shipped each
- x2 JP Shiny Treasure ex = $60 shipped each
- x2 JP Super Electric Breaker = $75 shipped each
Additional closeups available on request. Thanks for looking!
Wantlist for trades (any language ok):
- SV SIR/SARs: Pidgeot ex, Charizard ex (the tera one), Garchomp ex, Golisopod ex, Tapu Koko ex, Iron Hands ex, Sandy Shocks ex, Gholdengo ex, Altaria ex, Professor Sada's Vitality, Iono (PAF). Clive alt, Sinistea ex, Greninja ex, Bloodmoon Ursaluna ex, Perrin alt, Bianca's Devotion alt, Gouging Fire ex, Raging Bolt ex, hydrapple ex, Galvantula Ex, Dachsbun ex, Archaludon ex, alolan Exeggutor ex, Milotic ex, Hydreigon ex, Clemont alt, Jasmine alt, Pikachu tera ex alt, etc. Ask/offer if you have any SV SIR/SAR for trade!
- 151: Bill's Transfer FA/SR, Giovanni's Charisma FA/SR.
- SwSh alt arts (not TG): Charizard V, Jolteon VMAX, Espeon V, Arceus V, Sylveon V, Duraludon VMAX, Regidrago V, Skuntank V, Medicham V, Genesect V, rotom, lumineon, mew, arceus, zeraora, ice rider and shadow rider calyrex, galarian zapdos, galarian moltres, and urshifu.
- SM Tag Teams: Mewtwo & Mew GX (non promo), Lucario & Melmetal, Garchomp & Giratina Promo.
- XY EX Full Arts: Dragonite EX, legendaries.
Timestamps: https://imgur.com/a/h2o4u-02-02-25-timestamp-raw-psa-fz196YC / https://imgur.com/a/h2o4u-jp-pikachu-promos-9X1Snjn / https://imgur.com/a/h2o4u-ars-slab-timestamps-comparison-to-psa-OoAdikI / https://imgur.com/a/h2o4u-new-ars-slabs-sale-02-11-25-eDvjxEd