Gen 11 Concert (Literal) Sneak Peek

A little break from Celeb Collab Edition's happenings while we wait for tonight's episode.

Remember Gen 11's upcoming concert? Well, as you might have guessed, tickets for said concert are selling very poorly, which is probably the reason why these concert "sneak peeks" were posted.

Out of the five segments teased, two of them are points of contention: "Love Teams Prod" and "PBB Boys".

  • Love Teams Prod: To many Gen 11 fans, this screams Jarren × female housemates shipped to him in an ASAP-esque prod (🌙🤏🍊🍓🧶), and didn't really entice them.

  • PBB Boys: Two things that Gen 11 fans say about this include: Jarren × other male housemates (as backup singers/dancers), and "How about a Gen 11 Girls segment?".

Leave your thoughts on the sneak peeks and/or the concert in the comments.