The feel of Yamaha vs Kawai vs Rolland digital pianos

I know ideally, I'd go out and try all of them, but I'm disabled, so I'll probably have to order online. Having said that, within the upper beginner to early intermediate range of these brands, say 500 to $1000 or so, which one has the lightest key action and the brightest but natural sound? Basically I like blues and honky tonk and ideally, I'd have an old spinet or console, but thats obviously not practical in an apartment, so if any of you know what I am talking about, those old school brighter janky sound with a light key action piano, which brand's action would come the closest?

I've been looking into the Yamaha p225, the Roland Nuvola from Cosco and the ES line from Kawai.

Thanks in advance for any inputs!